Stop politicians from pretending to be your local newspaper

Sign the petition to end this and other deceptive campaign practices

PETITION UPDATE (24 June 2024)

17,730 of you signed our petition to end deceptive campaign practises in the general election.

We have now closed this petition after calling on party leaders to pledge publicly that they will not use deceptive campaign materials such as leaflets made to look like local newspapers in election campaigning.

Some have answered the call – earlier this year the leaders of the Green Party, Plaid Cymru and Alliance Party supported our pledge.

According to Savanta polling, 59% of voters don’t think the 2024 general election campaigns have been honest.

Throughout the election, we have also identified a number of issues we think parties need to focus on and we will be asking parties to address these separately from the issue outlined in the petition.

These are improving the visibility of imprints and stopping misleading voters by presenting political content from newspaper comment sections as endorsements.

Full Fact will continue our call on parties to end deceptive campaigning and we will update this petition page with further developments.

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Help fix our broken politics by donating to Full Fact.
